about portfolio contact
I am an experienced software designer and programmer who contracts privately on small technical projects.
I develop across a broad range of technologies and languages including web applications, mobile application development and desktop application software. The projects I take on are technically challenging, socially constructive and can be completed by a small dedicated team.
I am always looking for exciting new projects with which to get involved for fun or profit.
Stack Overflow Profile
Stack Overflow is a Q & A format site where programmers exchange technical information, you can take a look at the technical solutions I have proposed to a variety of real world problems.
GitHub Repositories
GitHub is a source control system for sharing and publishing code, all my publicly accessible code is published here. If you have a development background take a look at the kind of work I can do.
Joel's 12 Questions
Joel Spolsky posed the famous 'Joel Test' consisting of 12 question you should ask a software house before contracting them. This is my response to those questions.